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Foreign Key select from existing components

10 år 1 måned siden #265 af Francisco
Foreign Key select from existing components blev oprettet af Francisco

When i create a foreign key field, it would be great if the dropdown would allow me to select also from my existing component's (the one's i've created).

I can of course download the component, modify the form XML file to select a different table but i have to do it every time i update the component.

Følgende bruger(e) sagde tak: Walt Sorensen

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10 år 2 uger siden #325 af VeCrea
Besvaret af VeCrea på emne Foreign Key select from existing components
I agree.
To make it easy to maintain, i would break down dev into separate components and then "link" components together.
Example : three components :
1) Staff members
2) Reporting
3) Sales
where 2) and 3) would use data from 1)

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10 år 2 uger siden - 10 år 2 uger siden #332 af Dan Davis
Besvaret af Dan Davis på emne Foreign Key select from existing components
Problem with doing that is you cannot know if the other components will always be installed. I solve this by adding a custom field to my component and giving it the ability to check if a table is actually in the database.

The PHP code goes in "/models/fields/whatever_your_field_name_is.php" in the admin, site or both parts of the component. Here is an example field definition file with comments:
* @author        DDCS, Limited
* @copyright    2014; All Rights Reserved
* @license        Commercial International License; See LICENSE.txt

defined("_JEXEC") or die("Restricted access");

defined('JPATH_BASE') or die();

* Describe this field
class JFormFieldTherapistList extends JFormFieldList
    * The form field type.
    * @var    string
    * @since  11.1
    protected $type = 'therapistlist';

    * Method to get the field options.
    * @return  array  The field option objects.
    * @since   11.1
    protected function getOptions()

        // The HTML option elements - do not edit this one
        $options = array();

// Get a list of all tables currently in the database. 
// getTableList returns an array, which is helpful
        $tables      = JFactory::getDbo()->getTableList();
// Set the name of the table you are looking for. Because you have no idea what the prefix will be,
// just use the tablename part of the name string. The Joomla #__ variable does not seem to work here
// for some reason I do not care to investigate.
        $gettable    = 'therapists';
// find out if your table actually exists in the database. I do this by using the substring count function
// and imploding the array of table names into a string using implode()
        $table_check = substr_count ( implode( $tables ), $gettable );
// Now that you know if the table is installed, you can get the option data from the table. 
        if($table_check != 0 )

            $db    = JFactory::getDbo();
            $query = $db->getQuery(true);
            $query->select('id, name');
            $query->where('`state` = 1');
            $alltherapists = $db->loadObjectList();

// Create a new option object based on the < option /> element.

// Put in a default message value for the top of the options list.
            $options[] = JHtml::_('select.option', '', 'Select a Therapist');

// Now loop through the Query results and add an option for each value
            foreach($alltherapists as $therapist){
                // Create options for the < option /> element.
                $options[] = JHtml::_('select.option', $therapist->id, $therapist->name);

// If the table does not exist you can simply put in a "Sorry, Charlie" type of message.
            // Create a new option object based on the < option /> element.
            $options[] = JHtml::_('select.option', '', 'Therapist List Not Available');


// Merge any additional options in the XML definition.
        $options = array_merge(parent::getOptions(), $options);

// Return the options you have found.
        return $options;

    public function getInput()

        // The HTML option elements - do not edit this one
        $options = array();

        $options = $this->getOptions();

        return JHTML::_('select.genericlist', $options, $name    = $this->name, $attribs = null, $key      = 'value', $text     = 'text',  $selected = $this->value);


You can then edit "/models/forms/whatever_your_form_name_is.php" and change the XML markup to match the field you created. This code goes with the example field definition:
<field name="therapist" type="therapistList" size="11" class="inputbox"
All in all, it is fairly easy.

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Sidste redigering: 10 år 2 uger siden ved Dan Davis. Begrundelse: clarification of objectives
Følgende bruger(e) sagde tak: VeCrea

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10 år 1 uge siden #342 af VeCrea
Besvaret af VeCrea på emne Foreign Key select from existing components
Thank you for your answer.
I get you cannot know if component is installed or not : you're right, but the whole point of creating custom components is to be able to make choices like this. I break down one big app in multiple apps because i want to expand possibilities without touching the base apps.
I still think it would be a real good addition to component-creator, one that would really be a game-changer.
Btw, could not get your solution to work yet. List is not populated. Think I will figure it out, but if you see anything missing...

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10 år 1 uge siden #343 af VeCrea
Besvaret af VeCrea på emne Foreign Key select from existing components
Got it to work, using your idea but based on the code of the "foreign key" field.
Thanks again.

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10 år 1 uge siden #354 af Pedro
Besvaret af Pedro på emne Foreign Key select from existing components
In place of existing components because the system don't have the tables in their side, a manual table relation would be enough, write table, id and name fields, that way you can relate with anything in the same Joomla database, would be very welcome :)

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