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[fledgling question] publication date (publish_up)

9 Jahre 9 Monate her #509 von Thom Hiemstra
[fledgling question] publication date (publish_up) wurde erstellt von Thom Hiemstra

I'm new to component creator (CC) and to writing components with php.

Can I add a  publication date to a component using CC? I didn't see it as an option in  CC. (Just like it is possible in a standard article).

If it is not possible in CC, am I right in thinking that I can go ahead and add it in one of the php-files, using Notepad++ ?
Is it in just one file? or more? which file(s)? and what would be the code to add?

I know that I may be asking much, but as I said, I'm new to component writing.

Thanks a lot


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