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Easiest way to get email notification on front end submission

3 Jahre 11 Monate her #9797 von Jason L
I have created a component using component creator where registered users can submit items, before those items can be displayed I need to have a admin approve these in the backend. All of this functionality is working great.

As we can go weeks without a submission, I would like to be able to email an alert to approver when and item has been submitted and or an items is awaiting approval.

I thought about doing this through cron but would like to have something built into Joomla either via plugin or a modification to the component that was created.

Thoughts I can do basic hacking / code modification of a samples

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3 Jahre 11 Monate her #9798 von Travis
If it were me, I would edit /components/com_[componentname]/controllers/[viewname]form.php

Find the save function, right before the redirect, and add:
$mail = Factory::getMailer();
$config = Factory::getConfig();
$sender = [$config->get('mailfrom'), $config->get('fromname')];
//Can also do something to get admins or email from param if you don't want to hardcode this.
$body = '<h1>Success!</h1> This is the body of your message. You can do things here.';


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