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Change format of Calendar (J_Calendar)

10 años 3 semanas antes #445 por Russell English
Change format of Calendar (J_Calendar) Publicado por Russell English
Is there anyway to change the format of the date that is created when selecting a date from the J_Calendar?

It appears to be in  DATE_FORMAT_LC4 , but I can't find this to create a content override

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10 años 3 semanas antes - 10 años 3 semanas antes #448 por Russell English
Respuesta de Russell English sobre el tema Change format of Calendar (J_Calendar)
Thanks Andres, just found the XML file I need to edit.
Última Edición: 10 años 3 semanas antes por Russell English.

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9 años 11 meses antes #480 por Russell English
Respuesta de Russell English sobre el tema Change format of Calendar (J_Calendar)
I've tried editing the XML file, but it's not working correctly. Also, accourding to your wiki here www.component-creator.com/wiki/index.php...ndar_(Date_Selector) there should be a format option within the field editor in Component Creator, but there doesn't appear to be.

Any ideas please?

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9 años 11 meses antes #495 por Russell English
Respuesta de Russell English sobre el tema Change format of Calendar (J_Calendar)
Thanks Andres, I've tried to change the date format (in the XML) to ="%d-%m-%Y" from here docs.joomla.org/Calendar_form_field_type but for some reason, whenever the date is entered (using the component created by component-creator) and then saved, the date is saved as 000-00-00

I've tried this on several components as outputted by component-creator and they all give the same result.

Any ideas?

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9 años 8 meses antes #688 por Nick Gardei
Respuesta de Nick Gardei sobre el tema Change format of Calendar (J_Calendar) - BUG FOUND
I modified my form XML file as Russell pointed out here - www.component-creator.com/wiki/index.php...ndar_(Date_Selector)  to change the format of the date generated in the date selector. As expected, this date format did not match up with the search function and an error was returned;


Since the name of my component is 'com_boardmeeting' and not 'com_prueba' this seemed odd to me, so I did some digging. In the site side 'meetings' model I found this;
if ($error_dateformat)
         $app->enqueueMessage(JText::_("COM_PRUEBA_SEARCH_FILTER_DATE_FORMAT"), "warning");
Sure enough I have this entry in my language file, but prefixed with my component name. After changing 'PRUEBA' to 'BOARDMEETING' the readable error from the language file shows up.

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9 años 8 meses antes - 9 años 8 meses antes #689 por Nick Gardei
Respuesta de Nick Gardei sobre el tema Change format of Calendar (J_Calendar)
Now with the error at least showing correctly I know I'm on the right path to changing the date format.

It appears that if I modify this function the search may work (or at least not return the error). I'll report back for Russells sake when I'm done tinkering.

(In the same model file that I found the bug)
private function isValidDate($date)
      return preg_match("/^(19|20)\d\d[-](0[1-9]|1[012])[-](0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])$/", $date) && date_create($date);

I would like to stress that the ability to change the date format for a component centrally, even if not in a language file would be much appreciated. I personally prefer the default Y-M-D format since it's easily understandable anywhere in the world, but several times now I have needed to change it in a component or my customer would not accept.
Última Edición: 9 años 8 meses antes por Nick Gardei. Razón: Update formatting for easier reading

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Gracias a Foro Kunena

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