Joomla Component: Vehicles
Opis składnika
Should manage vehicles - each item have its type and manufacturer
- id
- title
- ordering
- state
- checked_out
- checked_out_time
- created_by
- modified_by
- id
- title
- type
- ordering
- state
- checked_out
- checked_out_time
- created_by
- modified_by
- id
- name
- type
- manufacturer
- ordering
- state
- checked_out
- checked_out_time
- created_by
- modified_by
- id
- title
- ordering
- state
- checked_out
- checked_out_time
- created_by
- modified_by
- id
- title
- type
- ordering
- state
- checked_out
- checked_out_time
- created_by
- modified_by
- id
- name
- type
- manufacturer
- ordering
- state
- checked_out
- checked_out_time
- created_by
- modified_by
Component Overview
Nazwa wewnętrzna | com_vehicle |
Wersja | 1.0.0 |
Data ostatniej modyfikacji | 2018-05-22 06:01:33 |
Stworzone przez | Lukáš Nový |
Tabele | 3 |
Pola | 27 |
Podformularze | 0 |
Parametry konfiguracyjne | 0 |
Wersje językowe | en-GB |
Licencja | GNU General Public License verzie 2 alebo neskoršej; Pozrite si súbor LICENSE.txt |
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Tip: Login to your Component Creator account and there will be an import button here.