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PHP in filter xml

8 år 7 måneder siden #1190 af Mekalb
PHP in filter xml blev oprettet af Mekalb
Good Morning,

I'm creating a filter for one of my forms. I'm currently using php to get the userId, and use that to filter a foreign key.
As you can see below, the code I am using is <?php echo 89; ?> (I've hard-coded it for testing purposes).

Sadly this is not working. Anyone know what I'm doing wrong? Is there a way to do it only via xml?



<field name="filter_firstname" type="sql" class="inputbox"
query="SELECT 0 AS `created_by`, '- Please select First name -' AS `first_name` UNION SELECT `created_by`, `first_name` FROM `#__applicationportal_names` WHERE `created_by`=<?php echo 89; ?>" key_field="created_by" value_field="first_name"

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8 år 7 måneder siden #1195 af Mekalb
Besvaret af Mekalb på emne PHP in filter xml
Here is the solution if anyone else is interested.


Navigate to:


//Add the following code to append condition to the query.

if ($this->getAttribute('name') == 'firstname')
$query->where($db->quoteName('created_by') . ' = ' . (int) JFactory::getUser()->id);

Thanks to CC guys for the solution.

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