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Change generator alias on duplicated entry

6 år 1 måned siden #1824 af Pieter-Jan van Rossen
Change generator alias on duplicated entry blev oprettet af Pieter-Jan van Rossen
Hi there,

i created a simple blog-component (wait, isn't that already in Joomla? Yes, i just made a simpeler version for my client to work with). Adding a new entry creates a alias, the alias is based on the blog title (a simple text-field). So far so good.
But for some reason, if you add an entry with a duplicate title, de generated alias adds date and time. For example:

entry 1 title: Awesome blog
entry 1 alias: awesome-blog

entry 2 title: Awesome blog
entry2 alias: awesome-blog-2018-08-03-17-31-27

That doesn't look that great and is besides that a hassle for SEO (the main reason client is blogging). More logical would be if, like joomla core does, a simple '1' is added or the id of the entry.

Where to fix this?

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6 år 3 uger siden #1835 af Jamila
Besvaret af Jamila på emne Change generator alias on duplicated entry

Component Creator now simply uses a number in the alias for duplicate entries instead of the date :)

Best regards,
Jamila Cisse

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