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Quick populate a related table (foreign key)

6 år 1 uge siden #1845 af Gordon Sutherland
Quick populate a related table (foreign key) blev oprettet af Gordon Sutherland
Hi there,
I have 2 forms/tables with related fields:

- client (name)
- activity (client->name, detail)

Looking at the above, I need to first load a client, prior to adding an activity record. This is easy using the foreign key special field.

To make population easy and fast I want to go straight to the 'activity' form, either select an existing client or have the ability to add a new client on the fly if the correct client doesn't exist...

What would be the best way to achieve this be? Is there an out of box solution or do we need to get creative?

The real activity form will have quite a few more fields than in the example, so a simple redirect to the client form won't work as don't want to lose data already populated in 'activity' form prior to finding the client isn't available.

Thanks heaps for help :)

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