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Can i achieve this with Component Creator ?

10 år 1 måned siden #198 af MistD
Hi guys,
I just discovered this wonderfull service and i want to ask you if i can use it to build my "collections" component.

Basically what i need to do is this

1. Users will be able to create "collections" (upload a "collection" image, fill-out the collection title and description and save the collection in one of the provided category)
2. After we build our "collections" component infrastructure ... we want to allow users to "assign" / "store" / "collect" EasyBlog articles and EasyDiscuss topics in their collection.

Is there any way we can achieve this with Component Creator ?

Thanks in advance !

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10 år 1 måned siden #221 af MistD
Besvaret af MistD på emne Can i achieve this with Component Creator ?
Awesome. One week since my first post and no answer !

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