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Editing items in backend

9 Jahre 11 Monate her #389 von Victor
Editing items in backend wurde erstellt von Victor

In backend when i go to a list view in backend, the only way i have actually to edit an element is selecting and pressing "Edit Button". So, this not very practical, so how i can enable an element (in this case a title) to be clickable for edit instead selecting and press button?

This is my first post here, i am not new in Joomla but i am novice developing components, so component-creator is a very good creation for people like me.

Thank you for all help and suggestions :)

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9 Jahre 11 Monate her - 9 Jahre 11 Monate her #391 von BubbleFire
BubbleFire antwortete auf Editing items in backend
Hi, Viktor,

I have noticed the same issue.

The quick solution would be to manually add the link to edit view. You could open list view and than implement following code:
<a href="<?php echo JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_COMPONENT&task=SINGLE_VIEW.edit&id=' . $item->id); ?>" title="<?php echo JText::_('JACTION_EDIT'); ?>">
<?php echo $item->TITLE; ?>

Change COMPONENT, SINGLE_VIEW and TITLE with your own values form component.
Letzte Änderung: 9 Jahre 11 Monate her von BubbleFire.
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: Andres Maeso, Victor

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9 Jahre 11 Monate her #393 von Victor
Victor antwortete auf Solved: Editing items in backend
Dear Bubblefire, it works like a charm!! Great, thank you very much!

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