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field labels not displayed correctly on any view

8 Jahre 7 Monate her - 8 Jahre 7 Monate her #1193 von TechSum
I've attached an image of what my form view looks like. All of the field labels have been replaced by long strings which I will have to replace in the source code. Every view that I've tested has the same problem. Form view (client and admin), list view (client and admin). The only field that correctly displays the label is Email. I've gone through my table fields and the settings are all correct in component creator. It just doesn't generate the code properly.

I just noticed that when you hover over the labels it pops up the html code instead of displaying only the tooltip text. See screenshot2. The mouse cursor also turns into a pointer as if you were hovering over a link. Not sure if that behavior is normal.
Letzte Änderung: 8 Jahre 7 Monate her von TechSum.

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