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Proper location for images

8 Jahre 4 Monate her #1322 von Troy Hall
Proper location for images wurde erstellt von Troy Hall
I'm using my component as the heart of a "package" of joomla extensions.
I'm wondering if I'm putting the imagery in the wrong place?
CC asked me for the image and I gave it and it renamed it ( fine ) and put it as a folder in /administrator as shown.
I've heard that all images & js should go in /media so I made a folder for that matching the layout I see in the CMS core files.
but you can't use "/media/xxxx" in .css cause if the joomla site is installed in a subfolder it will fail.
because / won't be the installs / .
So whats the proper way to do this?

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8 Jahre 3 Monate her #1331 von Walt Sorensen
Walt Sorensen antwortete auf Proper location for images
Images and Icons for the Administrator portion should go to folders in the administrator (backend) part of Joomla.

all images/ js/css should go in the media folder when it's for public frontend use.
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8 Jahre 3 Monate her #1336 von Troy Hall
Troy Hall antwortete auf Proper location for images
AH! ty walt.. that clears it up entirely

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