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Data not saving to db

4 Jahre 2 Monate her #9785 von jeff long
Data not saving to db wurde erstellt von jeff long

I have been experiencing an issue with the data in a form(s) not saving to the db. I have rebuilt the component several times.

1. Initial build was fine.

2. Made some modifications to 2 of the Tables, (db table names, field names, view and form names). The original db#1 (not changed) seemed to work fine, the other 2 would not save the data.

3. Rebuilt the whole thing a 3rd time, and now nothing in the forms is saving to the db. (Note; Cloned the 1st table, from orig. build, made new second on third tables but cloned fields from org....individually).

I thought maybe a Joomla update issue, but even updating it, did not solve it.

Any help would be appreciated.

Also, I believe the Topic titled "Submits and Deletes with bugs" is asking something similar.



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4 Jahre 2 Monate her #9786 von jeff long
jeff long antwortete auf Data not saving to db

Made a quick 2 field component, and same thing, data not saving.



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4 Jahre 2 Monate her - 4 Jahre 2 Monate her #9787 von Carl Fuentes
Carl Fuentes antwortete auf Data not saving to db
Thanks for the report.
This issue has been fixed. Please regenerate and install again.
Letzte Änderung: 4 Jahre 2 Monate her von Carl Fuentes.

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4 Jahre 2 Monate her #9788 von jeff long
jeff long antwortete auf Data not saving to db
Just wanted to let you know that appeared to work....what ever you guys did.

Thank you


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