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non users viewing other users entries in list

9 Jahre 11 Monate her #395 von Brian Sooy
non users viewing other users entries in list wurde erstellt von Brian Sooy
I have a component which captures the user id for entries.  The user must login before they can create an entry.  The problem is that when they go to the list view, everyone's entries show.  Only the users can edit their own entries.  But I can not have everyone looking at everyone else's entries.  Is this a bug?



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9 Jahre 11 Monate her - 9 Jahre 11 Monate her #403 von Brian Sooy
OK.  I'm an Idiot.  Some times staring at code causes you to forget what you did a year ago.   I had created a component before wwhich had this functionality.  I forgot that i had re-written the query in the models/YOURAPPapps.php   in the   protected function getListQuery {     

If you use get user and assign the id to $userId   you can add a query where to that function and only the logged in user can view their own entries.  

I was able to locate my old component and completely forgot that I did that.   

No Bug....   Sorry.
Letzte Änderung: 9 Jahre 11 Monate her von Brian Sooy.

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