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Change default behavior for form fields

9 Jahre 10 Monate her #478 von Nancy Anderson
Change default behavior for form fields wurde erstellt von Nancy Anderson
  I inherited a component and a few of the table filed names appear to be joomla reserved words. 

For example, there is an address table that has a field named 'state'. Joomla is interpreting that as the published/unpublished field. So here's the question, 

1. Can I mark the field in the component creator in some way to  stop that from happening automatically in the code? 

2. Where would I need to change the code for the admin edit forms to stop the default rendering of this field as a drop down.
(I found where to do that in the lists, but it isn't as obvious in the edit screen.)



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9 Jahre 9 Monate her #516 von Erik van Doorne
Erik van Doorne antwortete auf Change default behavior for form fields
Hi Nancy, I pointed out this is happening in other situations and with other reserved words as well. The form should validate for/against reserved words and not allow you to use them as field names.

Have you tried simply renaming the field name ?



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9 Jahre 9 Monate her #519 von Nancy Anderson
Nancy Anderson antwortete auf Change default behavior for form fields

Just for clarity the component was already built, I was trying to use Component Creator to build a admin back end for it.  Changing the field name would impact a moblie app that is already in use, so that is not an option, darn it. Obviously, for new compuents this isn't a problem. I ended up using Fabrik. It's definitely not CC, but for this use it worked okay.

thanks again,

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