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Error edting and deleting frondend items

8 Jahre 11 Monate her #1050 von Ainer Roll
Error edting and deleting frondend items wurde erstellt von Ainer Roll
  1. i created a usergroup "Support"
  2. installed the new Component
  3. grant access (create,delete,edit,esit state, edit own)  to usergroup "Support"
  4. login as an user of the "Support" group
In the list-view the buttons for editing and deleting appear, but they do not work:
  • afte clicking the "delete-Button - and "are you shure... - the component jumbs to the detail view of the lastest record, that was opened before
In the detail-view there is a 500-Error-page after clicking delete. When clicking on edit, the form opens: Record-id is correct but there are no other values.

Can you check this out?


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