Today we will share another story on our blog. This week we had the chance to chat with Jelle Botman. Working as PHP Developer working for the company Dstny BV, located in Multiple countries (Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden, France, Denmark). The head office is in Zaventem Belgium, cloud services like Cloud Communication, Cloud Infrastructure, Cloud Security, Fixed and mobile internet, fixed and mobile telephony, and Private networks. They started using the Component Creator about 10 years back and since then, they have developed about 75 components. With the help of component creator, they saved a lot of time in building websites
The name of the Company you work for
Dstny BV
Your company website
Number of employees in company
Where is the company based (country)
Multiple countries (Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden, France, Denmark). The head office is in Zaventem Belgium. I work for the Web development Team and we reside at the office in Sint-Oedenrode, a small town in the south of The Netherlands.
What does your company do?
I work for Dstny, a multiple country-based company offering cloud services like Cloud Communication, Cloud Infrastructure, Cloud Security, Fixed and mobile internet, fixed and mobile telephony, and Private networks. As a side business we also make Joomla based websites for customers (NL location only). The company is growing each year and they are still acquiring other companies to keep on growing. The company is one of the biggest challengers in the mobile market.
How long have you been using Component Creator?
For me its only a year since I have been working with Joomla / component creator, my Colleagues have used it for more than 10 years. I’m glad it exists as it makes my work a lot easier. I’m currently the only developer that uses component creator within our company, my old colleague René Kreijveld used it a lot in the past and learned me how to use it and modify it to our needs.
Roughly how many components have you built using Component Creator?
Around 75 or more in our current list.
How much time do you estimate Component Creator has saved you?
1 use of component creator saves us around 4 hours of work depending on the complexity. 75 times 4 = estimate 300 hours.
Does your company have an hourly rate? (Calculate how much money it has saved)
Yes, our hourly rate is €115. So 115 x 300 = €34.500 euros.
Can you give an example of a component that was built using Component Creator?
For a customer of ours, we built a website to lookup information about different diseases. The website is mainly used for dietitians. We build a component to display the different diseases on the frontend of the website with every disease has 10 fields with information. This uses the frontend list view and the frontend detail view. To add those diseases to the website, we added an admin list view and an admin form view. The administrators can then add all information about the diseases from the backend and show all diseases that are added to the list. With the help of component creator, we saved a lot of time building all views. Link to the website is https://www.artsenwijzerdietetiek.nl/
Do you have any suggestions on how we can improve Component Creator?
I would love to see an option to be able to choose if a column is displayed at the frontend list or admin list. Sometimes we want less columns on the frontend compared with the admin list. I would be cool to select the columns you want to display in the frontend list/form and in the admin list/form.
What do you like best about Component Creator?
Its easy to use and user-friendly if you are a developer. Its easy to make database tables and list views that have the columns you need. The option to edit existing component and add some new columns is great.
Anything you would like to add?
‘In the market’ Joomla lost a bit of its popularity. That is such a shame because it is a great CMS with really endless possibilities. I am also very anxious to see what the future of Component Creator will hold. We are currently testing with joomla 5 and its working great so far!